Well, thanks to my AMAZING health insurance plan with a $6,000 deductible, turns out I won’t be getting an MRI, since I would be 100% responsible for the cost. Considering the fact that the doctor was recommending it only as a precaution, considering my terrible knee history, I just can’t justify the huge cost coming out of my pocket.
It’s really frustrating and discouraging but… there’s not much I can do about it. I’ve decided to just suck it up and keep on keepin on. Knee pain is nothing that is new to me and I never let it stop me in the past, so why start now? I didn’t go to the gym this morning, thinking that I would be having an MRI today and I didn’t want it to be a swollen mess for the MRI. WELL, since that’s obviously not the case, I think I’ll be heading back to the good ol Fitworks tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll be able to start running again, but I need to just focus on the weightloss and accomplish my goals by any means necessary. (natural means, of course) SO, elliptical here I come!
I’m happily back to my normal foods today, although I am getting pretty bored with/tired of tuna salad L. I think it’s time to start searching for alternative low-carb lunches that are low in cost and prep time. For dinner last night, we had salmon and veggies, it was SO yummy! I cheated a little and bought a box of Honey Chipotle Salmon from Sam’s (around $15 for 2lbs[6-7 pieces]). It’s ridiculously delicious! I served it with Corn, Asparagus and Orange Bell Pepper that I sautéed in 1tbs EVOO, 1tsp Worcestershire, 2tsp Balsamic Vinaigrette, 1tbs Minced Garlic and S&P. It was a hit J
Food Today:
Choc Protein Shake w/ Skim Milk
Low Carb Yogurt
Tuna Salad
Protein Mousse
Banana w/ natural crunchy pnut butter
Grilled Chicken over Spinach Salad
I also have a Weight Watchers String Cheese in case I’m particularly hungry at any point today.
Pretty bummed about the amount of weight that I’ve gained. I think I said yesterday that it’s roughly 7lbs but I’m thinking it’s more like 7-10lbs. I think this is due to a few different things:
1. Carb-loading over the past few weeks
2. Not drinking enough water (when you’re dehydrated, your body retains water weight)
3. Lack of exercise
4. Over-all food choices
I’m determined to drink a LOT more water from now on, along with getting back to the gym and back to eating healthy foods. I’m trying really hard not to get discouraged, because that usually leads to my demise. However, I know that I am capable of holding strong to my Path and am determined to do so!
SO – I will continue with healthy food this week and hope to take a short walk tonight (just to music class with Nora) depending on the heat when I get home. After-work walks may have to continue to pause until it’s not deathly hot outside for my little girl. I like the heat, and I love to sweat (at the appropriate times J) but obviously her precious little body can’t handle the heat as I can, not to mention the fact that she’s not quite verbal enough to be able to tell me “Mommy, I feel dizzy.”
Anyway, I hope that my readers haven’t lost faith in me – I surely haven’t lost it in myself. There have been a few bumps in the road (as I knew would arise), but now it’s time for me to re-gain control of my body and mind and get back to making healthy choices.
Here’s to a happy Tuesday, try not to over-heat. J
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