Greetings from a crazy-busy day! Work is insane right now but I finally had a small break to put together a quick post!
So last night, I showed Nora a side-by-side picture of my 1st picture and my November picture and she pointed to November and said “That’s mommy!” then pointed to the first picture and said “Who’s that mommy?”. It was so adorable and I was actually surprised that she didn’t know who I was in the ‘before’ picture! I shared this on Facebook and cannot believe the response that I’ve gotten from all of my supporters! It’s so crazy, I never know who is actually reading this blog or following along in my path but I will say, it brought tears to my eyes when I woke up this morning and saw SO many comments, ‘likes’ and wall posts with amazing, supportive words of praise and encouragement. Today was one of those days when I woke up and said “Ehhh.. maybe I’ll just go back to sleep today.” Then, I started reading everything I had received over the night and immediately jumped up and got my ass to the gym! I cannot even begin to explain how much all of the support means to me! My goal one day is to take my experiences and knowledge that I’ve gained along this journey and utilize it all to help other people gain control of their lives and help them live the healthiest, happiest lives possible! So, with ALL of that being said, I just want to give a giant heart-felt THANK YOU! to each and every one of you that continue to read/follow/support, even through my pity-parties and bitching… this is one of the most important things I have ever attempted in my life and it has been such a tremendous help knowing that I have an amazing support system right behind me. J
So the workout this morning went well, I finished about 1 ½ minutes ahead of last month. It was focused on hamstrings and glutes today and I’ll just say… my butt hurts a bit.
Here’s what I did: J
3 Rounds for time: | w/bar | |
GoodMornings | 25 | |
DeadLift | 25 | |
Asymmetrical Squats | 15 ea/leg | |
Bike | 1 mile | |
TIME: | 19:55 |
Good Morning: place bar on the back of upper shoulders and feet hip-width apart, bend at waist until parallel w/ ground and then raise back up, keeping feet planted
Dead Lift: with the bar resting on the ground, keep feet planted hip-width apart and a slight bend in the knee, bend down and pick up the bar and stand up until back is straight. Bend to put bar back on ground (or nearly on ground) and repeat
Asmmetrical Squats: Place bar on the back of upper shoulders and stagger feet, about 2 ft apart (one in front of the other) squat down then straighten back up, repeat on both legs
It went well! It was a bit challenging, especially towards the end but I got through it with minimal rest. I was sweating my ass off this morning too! I guess I was working harder than I thought lol.. Oh well, I don’t mind sweating, it’s cleansing!
For dinner last night I made vegan manicotti.. it turned out pretty well! I’ll share the recipe below
Food Today
Small portion protein tofu immediately after workout (I’m out of protein powder L)
½ c granola w/ soy milk
Oatmeal w/ raisins, goji berries and cinnamon
Leftover manicotti w/ ½ whole grain ciabatta
Protein tofu
Black bean burgers w/ sweet potato fries and some sort of veggie.. maybe sauted kale?
Vegan Manicotti
1 8oz pkg manicotti shells
1lb Firm tofu, drained
2 pkgs frozen spinach, thawed and drained/squeezed well
4 tbs EVOO
3tbs minced garlic
1tsp dried oregano
¼ c nutritional yeast flakes (I got it in the ‘nature’s market’ at Kroger)
1tsp salt
Ground black pepper to taste
¼ tsp Red Pepper Flake
1 jar tomato/spaghetti sauce of choice (I used emeril’s Roasted Gaaaahlic)
Vegan shredded mozzarella cheese (I like Daiya)
- Pre-heat oven to 375
- In a food processor, (I used my Ninja) put tofu, spinach, 2tbs EVOO, garlic, oregano, red pepper flake, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper and pulse until thoroughly combined.
- In a large bowl, pour jar of tomato sauce, refill jar w/ ½ c water, replace lid and shake to get all of the sauce and add to the tomato sauce along w/ 2tbs EVOO, mix thoroughly
- In a 13x9 pan, ladle ½ of the sauce into the bottom of the pan
- Put tofu mix into a large Ziploc bag and snip off end, pipe into uncooked manicotti shells
- Put shells on top of sauce in baking pan in 1 layer
- Ladle remaining sauce over shells, cover w/ foil and bake for 35 minutes
- Remove foil, spread shredded cheese over top and return to oven, baking an additional 10-15 minutes. Should be bubbly and delicious!
- I served w/ whole grain ciabatta rolls and would work wonderfully with a salad!
I liked the recipe as a basic start but I am going to play around with the ingredients next time and add some more flavors! I’m thinking sundried tomatoes, banana peppers, onions..
Anyway, that was dinner last night! Totally yummy and the leftovers were great, too! That was the first time I had used the vegan Daiya cheese (I try to stay away from processed vegan substitutes) but it was really delicious! It melted beautifully and tasted fantastic!
Alrighty… well I suppose that’s all I have for today! I’m hoping it’s not raining so hard tomorrow b/c I’m running outside no matter what!! J
Until tomorrow, dear followers…. J
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