Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday 11/7/11

And Monday rolls around again… doesn’t it always? Geesh, it seems like the weekends are getting shorter and shorter!
Here’s a brief recap:
Saturday: Weigh-in, Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaned the house; fresh juice for breakfast, snacked through lunch, leftovers for dinner.
Sunday: More cleaning, put up Christmas decorations; Fresh juice for breakfast, chips and salsa snack, leftovers for lunch, tortilla soup for dinner.

It was a pretty low-key weekend! Branden wasn’t feeling very well and I was pretty tired, I’ve been sleeping like crap lately.
The weigh-in went pretty well, I lost 3 pounds last week! I was very happy with that. J It’s funny, when I think about my goals and objectives now, I’m more focused on my fitness and overall health, as opposed to just dropping pounds. When I started this journey, it was with fat free/sugar free/low carb everything.. just trying to keep the caloric intake as low as possible and not focusing on the actual nutrition that the food was feeding into my body. Now, it’s more about the ingredients of the product and what it will do for my body. To be honest, I don’t even read the nutritional content of foods anymore (well, almost never). Generally, the only thing I look at is the ingredient list. If there’s a giant list of things I can’t pronounce, I don’t buy it. I try to buy foods with as few simple ingredients as possible! These may not be the least expensive products but I’ve decided that I’m no longer focused on the cost of food. I would rather cut costs elsewhere and spend more money on my health. Afterall, if you’re sick and miserable.. it makes it more difficult to enjoy those things that we typically do spend lots of money on!
Speaking of finances, I have run into a more difficult part of my weightloss that no amount of sweat can cure, and that’s the fact that my clothes are all becoming too large to wear and I don’t have the extra budget for a new wardrobe! I decided to prioritize my workout wardrobe over my everyday wear so I went and bought some new Under Armour dri fit running tights and they were about $50 but I know that they will help my performance, so I didn’t mind spending the money. The rest of my wardrobe, however, is suffering a bit. I do know how to sew and I’m hoping to get a sewing station set up in our office soon so I can start to take-in some of my current clothes…. I didn’t think about this part when I was planning my journey lol. Oh well, it’s a good problem to have, I guess?

Moving on…
The gym this morning was short and sweet. Here’s what I did:


5 Rounds for time:

Cable Lat Pulldowns
10 @ 95#

Seated Cable Rows
10 @ 95#

DB Overhead Press
10 @ 20#

5 Pushups



I’m starting over again at Week 1 and my time for this workout 1 month ago was 9:43, so I’ve brought it down about 1m 25s! When you’re talking less than 10 minutes, nearly a minute and a half is a nice difference. J

Tomorrows day 1 of the 8k training! I had a nice long conversation about it with my brother on Saturday and he gave me some great advice: “Just keep running.” Good idea. J I keep thinking about it and I have a bad habit of psyching myself out of challenging things, especially workouts, but I’m trying to just be positive and excited about this! It’s daunting because it’s unfamiliar… but I’m hoping that once I get past tomorrow’s workout and get into it, it will just be fun. J

Food Today:
Choc protein shake w/ 1c unsweetened organic soymilk immediately after workout
½ c homemade granola (oats, flax seed, raisins, goji berries, dried cranberries) w/ a bit of soy milk
Fresh juice of an orange, 2 apples (red and green), carrots, grapes, raspberries

Oatmeal w/ raisins, goji berries and cinnamon

Leftover veg chili (STILL from last week! Almost gone though, I swear!)
Brown rice

Protein tofu

Asian Stir Fry… we’ll try this again! Every time I’ve made it, I’ve been underwhelmed by the flavor… I’m determined to make this delicious! Lol

I made homemade granola this weekend and…well, it needs a little tweaking. It’s good, but a bit dry. I’m going to try again this coming weekend so once I get it right, I’ll gladly share the recipe!

Well, I bought more chips and salsa this week. I just can’t help it. I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I drink only once in a blue moon, I eat healthy food all day long, I work my ass off… so if organic blue corn chips and salsa are my only vice, I can live with that lol.

I do believe that’s all that I have for today… I’m really excited for my first run in my 8k training tomorrow and can’t wait to report back!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a happy and healthy Monday!
Until tomorrow…

Monday, November 07, 2011
Weight: 239 lbs

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