Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh, Hello Stress. 11/21/11

Well hello there! It’s just a shit storm over here. I am so work-stressed right now I can’t even function. Ugh.
Weekend recap:
Friday: Work (terrible) then went home and spent some QT w/ my sweet Nora, my mom and my sister. Much-needed!
I went and danced Thurs night (for like 2 hours straight!) and then I didn’t eat dinner so by the time Friday rolled around I was starving! I had granola & juice for breakfast, oatmeal for snack then I ate my chili really early AND ordered a small thin crust veggie no-cheese pizza from Larosa’s! Honestly, I don’t think it was all that bad.. it wasn’t greasy at all. I finally got home from work near 7 and I had my protein tofu then we ordered Chinese and had a late dinner, I had steamed rice w/ veggies in a garlic sauce. Not the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Saturday: Lazy day for the most part! Hung out at the house and with my sister then went and ran about 3 ¼ miles (I did a different loop b/c it was daytime and my 5mi loop is dangerous w/ traffic). More on this later, it was great! Food: Granola for breakfast, chips and salsa for lunch and black bean crostini for dinner. I’m sure I had a few nibbles here and there that I don’t remember but not much.
Sunday: Grocery shopping, cooking then to my Aunt’s for Thanksgiving! My dad’s side of the family always does T-day the Sunday before. I took a salad and a sweet treat (vegan, of course) and my mom took a vegan option and my aunt had a vegan option so I was happy! I had salad (recipe below), green beans w/ mushrooms & water chestnuts, roasted sweet potatoes and brussel sprout/pomegranate salad. It was mighty tasty J

To top everything off, I didn’t go to the gym this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well AT ALL and I woke up absolutely exhausted. I don’t have time in my life to be sick so I thought that the extra hour of sleep was more important for me this morning. Not that it was even a solid hour… I hate that I missed, this is the first workout I’ve missed since I started doing the Crossfit stuff and it does not feel good. Oh well, hopefully that just gives me more energy to get in a good run tomorrow morning!

Speaking of running, my run Saturday was great! It was challenging for sure but I felt so fantastic and proud of myself when I was finished! I did a loop that I used to take Nora walking and I remember when I used to walk up one hill in particular and I would think ‘How in the hell do people run this?!’… and then I did! I did all of the hills and I didn’t stop once! I was really excited! I’ve also decided to make a more conscious effort to stop doubting myself! As I was coming up on the biggest hill in the run I was saying to myself “I’ll probably need to stop at the top.. that’s okay, I’ll just stop and walk for a little bit…” then once I got to the top I was like F THIS I’m not stopping! I’m no longer going to assume that I can’t do something! How silly is that? Sometimes, my own brain is my main competitor.

Food Today:
½ c granola w/ soy milk
Fresh Juice

Oatmeal w/ raisins & cinnamon

Veggie chili w/ brown rice

Salad of mixed greens, red onion, green apple and dried cranberries w/ homemade cranberry vinaigrette

Pineapple rice w/ curried tofu (new recipe!)

Cranberry Salad:
1c Fresh or frozen cranberries
¼ c + 2tbs Apply cider Vinegar
¼ c + 1tbs Pure Maple syrup
1.5 tsp Dijon Mustard (*I forgot this in my dressing and it was still yummy J)
½ c + 1tbs fresh orange juice (1 lg orange)
2 tbs EVOO
½ tsp Salt
Pinch black pepper

Mixed Greens
1 lg apple, chopped
1 lg pear, chopped
½ c dried cranberries
½ c walnuts

For Dressing:
-          In a medium pot, heat the cranberries, maple syrup and vinegar over medium heat until the cranberries burst, about 7-10 min
-          Slightly cool the mixture and place in a blender/food processor along with all other dressing ingredients (excluding salt and pepper) and blend until smooth. Taste and add salt, blend again and taste again. Adjust as necessary.
-          Allow dressing to chill to room temp then put in the fridge to continue to chill and serve over the salad ingredients!
The dressing has a really bright tart flavor, I love it!

Well, I believe that’s all I have for today! I’m going to try to go dance tonight to help make up for my lack of workout this morning… oh and my mom’s scale broke! I’ve been using her scale throughout this entire journey so I trust it to tell the truth of my loss but it’s gone to scale heaven L… hopefully I can get another one soon!

Until tomorrow, friends…

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