Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I know, I know... 11/29/11

First of all, a big thanks to a certain miss Heidi for always jumping my ass when I have a blog fail! J
Which, obviously, is precisely what we’re experiencing. I can’t even begin to explain how hectic life has been lately… not only was Thanksgiving a giant clusterf*ck but after that I had Christmas decorations to set up at 3 different locations (not including my own house) on top of regular life… ya know, child/husband/laundry/groceries, silly things like that. I’ve been absolutely exhausted and my eating and exercising habits have certainly been reflecting this exhaustion by way of some pretty terrible choices. Where to start… hm….
Well, Thanksgiving:
I started Tday at my In-law’s house, where the only thing in the house that I could eat was the vegan oatmeal cookies that I brought… so I had 2 cookies and then had to scurry off to my uncle’s house (a good hour away) where I was able to eat some roasted veggies and green beans. After my uncles, I dropped Nora w/ my parents and went back to my in-laws house for a night full of alcohol and really awkward family bonding, only to be immediately followed by Black Friday shopping! Note to self, drunken Black Friday shopping is not the greatest idea… by the time 5oclock that evening rolled around, I couldn’t remember what I had bought. Ha!
Friday was relatively lazy. Again, we spent most of the time at my in-law’s house which had no food that I could eat so I ended up going and getting a salad at Chipotle (which they left my black beans off of) and then didn’t eat again until like 930 that night after I went to Kroger and got an Amy’s Vegan veggie &  rice bowl. It was totally tasty..
Saturday was more productive, had oatmeal for breakfast then worked until about 3:30 on a client’s house decorating for Christmas. Not easy work by any means, about 1 million trips up/down the stairs, carrying boxes of stuff all around, up/down ladders etc… After that, I had some pineapple rice for lunch and ended the evening w/ chips and salsa for dinner. Party.
Sunday I woke up and went to the grocery store then Nora and I went to my grammy’s house and helped set up her Christmas décor… after that, we went to Branden’s work and I set up their 12 foot Christmas tree in their lobby… then after THAT we went home ( stopped at Papa Murphy’s and got a veggie pizza w/ no cheese) and set up my own damn tree! It’s a really good thing that I LOVE Christmas.

As I mentioned, my exercise habits have been really poor. Actually, the last time I worked out was Thursday morning when I ran 2 ½ miles. I’ve just been so tired and overwhelmed with everything else, I haven’t had the gumption to force myself out of bed/chair/couch/whatever. This morning included.

I haven’t weighed myself in 2 weeks but I’m fairly certain that if I were to do so I would see a gain. After skipping my run this morning, I woke up cussing myself and committing to getting myself back on my regular routine. My food choices were much better yesterday:
Breakfast: Fresh juice and an apple
Snack: Oatmeal
Lunch: 1 slice leftover veggie pizza no cheese and an apple
Snack: Protein Tofu
Dinner: Portobello burgers, sautéed broccoli/zucchini/onion and roasted sweet potatoes

Food Today:
Fresh Juice


Leftover veggie chili

Protein tofu


Okay I feel a lot better now that I have caught this up! But alas, I am overly busy and must cut this short. I hope everyone had a great holiday and I hope you’re as excited about the upcoming holiday as I am!!

Until tomorrow… (hopefully!)

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