Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Step Behind

Okay, so I'm having a bit more trouble getting disciplined than I anticipated.  My nutrition went as planned up until dinner last night... Branden decided he wanted Cheese Ravioli.. which turned into...
Cheese Ravioli with Vodka Sauce
Grilled Chicken on the George (a SMALL piece - and I didn't over-cook it!)
Multi-Grain Bread
and Salad with Light Ceasar dressing..
Definitely NOT the most healthy meal.. but it was freakin delicious!  I had killer heartburn after eating, though.  Probably karma for breaking my own rules :)

...and THEN I didn't wake up for the gym this morning.  All of my fellow mothers out there should understand just how hard it is to get out of bed when you're having a good sleep.  My alarm went off no less than 1 million times and I just kept saying "next one, I'll get up!".... and then all of a sudden it was 7:30am and I didn't even have time to wash my hair.
I do plan to go to bellydance tonight so that will make up for my lack of gym time this morning.  I haven't mentioned dance before but I used to be VERY active with Bellydance, practice about 2 times/week with performances a couple of times a month.  Since having Nora, the mom guilt set in and I just couldn't justify spending the extra time away from her.  I still don't like the idea of spending extra time away from her but I'm only committing to 1 practice per week and the occasional performance (which she can usually attend).  I'm pretty excited about getting back into it!

Yet again, I plan to do my Monday workout tomorrow, so I'll post the Tuesday workout in tomorrow's post. 
I'm hoping that I can get into the swing of things soon.  I keep trying to think of what it was that made me so committed the last time I worked so hard at all of this.. ? I was working at a women's weight loss center and I think the support system there (and my competitive drive) really kept me motivated.  I would love to join one again, but at upwards of $100/month, it's not in the budget right now.  Perhaps something like Weight Watchers would really benefit me?
We'll see :)

As for Today's Menu Plan:
Whole Wheat Bagel w/ Peanut Butter
Chocolate Protein Shake w/ Skim Milk

Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt w/ 4 plain graham crackers

Turkey and Pickle Sandwich w/ Regular Mustard and Horseradish Mustard on Whole Wheat Bread

Granny Smith Apple w/ Peanut Butter and Raisins

Grilled Chicken (on the George)
Brown Rice w/ Black Beans and Organic Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

I did successfully drink 64oz of water before leaving work yesterday.. I'll do it again today!

Until tomorrow... adios!

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