Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meal Prep Party 03/19/14

Let’s talk meal prep! I had a question in regards to succeeding with meal prep on a budget and with limited time, so let’s discuss!


As most of you have probably noticed, I am a huge proponent of meal prep and here’s why:

1. Saving Time – Once you get your meal prep finished, you’re finished for the week! Each day for the rest of that week, meal time is nothing more than grab, reheat and eat. No prep/cook/cleanup time is needed.

2. Eliminating Temptation – I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m not sure what to eat and I’m just searching my fridge/pantry for something… it usually ends in a diet fail. At that point, I’m looking for what ‘sounds good’ rather than what I know I should be putting in my body for fuel. By preparing your meals ahead of time, this is never a question! Everything is ready, portioned and labeled so other foods really aren’t even an option in my brain.

3. Saving Money – When you plan your meals ahead of time and you are able to cook everything in bulk, it really cuts down on your grocery costs. Obviously, with my current injured situation, my meal prep is off right now because I can’t cook. BUT the last time I went to the grocery store to purchase my food for the week, I spent $40. For the week. Not too shabby. My costs are typically lower because I don’t eat animal proteins but you should still be able to stick to a tight budget if you plan it accordingly (more on that later).

4. Motivation – There is no better combination than having an awesome workout and surrounding it with awesome food to help fuel your fitness and everyday life. Staying on track and schedule with your meal prep helps to keep your mind in the right place. When you start going off of your diet, other parts of your healthy journey are easy to slip… missing workouts, sleeping patterns etc. I like to think of my food as an accountability partner… it holds me accountable to my goals and I always perform better in the gym when I have the appropriate fuel in my body. Because I workout so early in the morning, I can always tell a difference in my gym performance if I don’t eat appropriately for my last meal the night before.


So now we know WHY meal prep is awesome and important… now onto HOW to be successful:

I’m not going to lie, meal prep can take a bit of time for planning – especially when you’re starting out. You need to do some research and figure out the nutritional content of the foods you’re planning to eat. I personally keep a spreadsheet on my laptop of nutritional values of foods that I have used in my meal prep or in menus I have used for clients and as I add a new food to my meal prep menus, I just add it to my spreadsheet. At this point, planning a menu is much easier for me because I’ve done so much of the leg work over time.

Your menu should be planned according to your goals. I’m a big fan of 5 meals per day, spaced about 3 hours apart and with the final meal being about 2 hours before you go to bed. Obviously, if you have especially long days and need an extra meal, then go for 6. Your daily calorie intake is dependent on your body size, level of activity throughout the day and what you are trying to accomplish with your body. Because I am pretty well versed with food and nutrition, at this point in my meal planning the only math I do is counting calories (usually to ensure I’m getting enough). I know which foods are high in fat/carbs/protein and I keep that pretty balanced. Each meal should have a lean protein source and a good carb source.

Budget-Friendly Planning:

When planning your menu, keep in mind any crossover you can do with your foods. This will help keep your food costs down and also your prep time. Also, as much as possible, try to use produce that is in season. In-season produce will always be less expensive and more nutrient-dense. Feel free to use alternative shopping sources for produce as well! Farmers markets, organic markets etc… if you have a good source for produce that is less expensive, feel free to utilize. I do all of my shopping at Kroger and because I use my Kroger card, it tracks my purchases and I now get coupons in the mail for items similar to what I frequently buy. So I’ll receive coupons for a certain dollar amount off of fresh produce or coupons for free bags of frozen vegetables etc. Take advantage of these! And if you’re eating animal proteins, shop in bulk at places like Sam’s or Costco where your price/lb will be less.

Time-Friendly Prepping:

Multi-task! I always have more than one thing going at a time. Being a chef gives me a big advantage when it comes to prep because I’m used to cooking multiple things simultaneously. Take a minute before you actually start your prep and itemize everything that needs to be prepared. Then, list everything in order of cooking time. Start with the things that require the most time. For instance, if you’re going to bake chicken, start with prepping your chicken. I would do a dry rub or something on the chicken to help with flavor and while your dry rub rests, work on getting your rice cooking. Then go back to the chicken and get it in the oven. Then prep and steam your veggies, etc. Doing things this way should allow you to get everything cooked and finished in a shorter amount of time. My total prep time usually takes 2-3 hours and I typically do it on a Sunday afternoon.               


I hope this information helped! If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me!

Happy Prepping my friends!


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