Friday, July 26, 2013

Protein Bar Recipe

After posting pictures of my homemade protein bars last night, I had quite a few recipe requests! So here it is :) I used homemade almond butter in mine!
Protein Bars
¼ c organic cane sugar
¼ c water
½ c Almond Butter (preferably homemade – no added sugar/oil/salt)
1c water
½ c vanilla protein powder
1tbs vanilla extract
1tsp dark chocolate cocoa powder
½ tsp cinnamon
1 ½ c quick oats
¼ c flax meal
¼ c raisins
Loaf Pan
Saran/Cling Wrap
In small sauce pan, whisk together cane sugar and ¼ c water over high heat. Bring to a boil; once all sugar is dissolved, turn off heat and set aside.
In medium sauce pan, whisk together almond butter and 1c water over medium heat. Once combined, add protein powder, vanilla, cocoa powder and cinnamon and whisk thoroughly. Add cane sugar syrup and again whisk until combined. Mixture should be gooey but pourable. If necessary, thin with additional water or thicken with additional protein (small amounts at a time!)
Combine oats, flax and raisins in large bowl. Pour almond butter sauce over oats and combine with spatula or spoon.
Line loaf pan with saran wrap and pour mixture into pan, pressing firmly into all sides. Cover with wrap, pressing directly onto mixture and refrigerate overnight.
Once set, flip pan over to remove mixture, peel off plastic wrap and slice – mine made 10 bars.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Addiction 7/25/13

What makes a fat person fat? Why can't that person just stop eating bad things or large quantities of foods if they know it's bad for them? Well, they're obviously just lazy, right? Not necessarily. Far too many times have I heard this excuse/blame given to overweight people - that they are fat because they are lazy or they simply don't care about or respect themselves. Sure, some people don't give a shit and just like to eat food because it tastes good... and then there are people that DON'T want to eat the food, but have a huge struggle between what their brain knows and the power of what their brain wants, and don't always win the battle. I am one of those people. I am an addict.

Food addiction is a real thing, my friends. I have struggled with the beast my entire life - and will continue to do so for the rest of my existence. Science has proven that, in certain people, certain types of foods can cause the same brain reaction as a highly addictive drug like heroin or cocaine. As with the drugs, the foods trigger increased transmission of 'feel-good' chemicals such as dopamine in the brain, which gives the immediate urge to eat again. And again. And that urge is strong. I've spent my entire life over-eating and not understanding why. Not understanding why my brain would focus so hard on an item of food and not allow any thought to overcome the desire for that food until I ate it - and the feeling that happened in my brain once I ate whatever it was (and this is regardless of whether or not I was actually hungry). Not understanding why everyone else could just have "a bite" or "a taste" of a piece of cake, and my brain would almost hurt if I didn't finish the entire thing. I would cry myself to sleep at night because I hated who I was and what my body had become/was becoming, but I felt completely powerless over what was happening. Being a teenager sucked. As I grew older and I became more knowledgeable about this topic and started to understand more about myself and my addiction, I quickly realized how hard I was going to have to work for the rest of my life to overcome this obstacle.

Food addiction is a tricky thing in a few ways:
  - Food is the most widely available drug in the world. Unlike any other controlled substance, it is something that can be attained nearly anywhere, by anyone, in any quantity and is constantly pushed in your face by advertising. Especially in America, the land of plenty, it is often used as a marketing tool or incentive (complimentary meals/food items, etc), not to mention it is a means of celebration.
 - You have to have food to live. It's that simple. Unlike most of the other common addictions, to quit cold turkey is an option. To remove yourself from an enigmatic environment is an option. Not with food. This is the most tricky (and irritating) part of this addiction - for myself, at least.

My relationship with food is interesting, to say the least. I have learned that I must instill certain restrictions on myself in order to no longer allow the food to control me, but rather I control the food. Two years ago I transitioned into veganism. This choice wasn't made because I care about furry animals, it was made because I wanted to feel better. By going vegan, I kind of set a trap within my body. If I eat shit - I will feel like shit. If I give-in to the temptation of a cookie or unhealthy/conventional food, I will be punished for that poor decision almost immediately with a giant headache, nausea and sometimes even slight tightening in my throat. While this may sound extreme to some, it works for me.  True to my masochistic ways, I have chosen a career that challenges my addiction every. single. day. I have chosen to be a chef and surround myself by my drug. So often I'm asked the question, "how do you not eat everything you cook?!" Well, because I know I can't. Because I know I don't want the 'dairy hangover' that comes within 10 minutes, and follows through to the next morning.

Don't get me wrong - I don't have this thing all figured out. As with any addict, I have my good days and my bad days. Yesterday was a bad day. I was tired, I was upset, I was not in control of my mind. I ate a bunch of shit I shouldn't have eaten and then I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck and couldn't remember WHY I did that to myself. I have accepted the fact that days like these may come, but I intend to be as prepared as possible.

Why did I write this? I didn't write this to provide an excuse for myself - or for anyone else, for that matter. I wrote this because I know there are people out there that have never even considered that this is an actual thing. That this addiction even exists. Because I have encountered so many times in my life when people very close to me have said "then just don't eat it." as if it were that simple. I have accepted and feel that I have a control over my addiction and have no problem speaking about it. I also wrote this because I know that there are people that struggle with the same issue, but are too embarrassed to speak.

Roughly two and a half years ago I began my Losing Path and through discipline and determination, have managed to lose around 110 pounds, despite this obstacle. Has it been easy? Hell no. Am I happy I'm doing it? Absolutely. I hope to some day spend my life helping other people do the same

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Update :) 6/25/13

Oh heeey! I know it's been a long time since my last post but I'll tell ya, it's hard out here for a pimp! Not really, I'm just busy :) As I mentioned in my previous post, I started a new job at a fantastic catering company and working there on top of school plus spending the time that I can with Nora and everything else in life has me pretty well occupied! I just happen to have a spare 40 minutes or so, so I thought I'd throw an update together!

I've gotten myself into a really great routine with my workouts! I was going strong for a solid month without missing a workout and even getting in a few 2-a-days when time permitted but, alas, the week of my birthday I slacked a bit and missed quite a lot. I was disappointed with myself for that but it also gave me an opportunity to take a step back, look at my goals and what I was doing and create a new workout plan. So I did! My new schedule is as follows:
Monday: Biceps/Triceps/Shoulders
Tuesday: Quads/Glutes
Wednesday: Chest/Shoulders
Thursday: Back
Friday: Hamstrings/Calves

I had my Monday workout yesterday (obviously) and did today's workout and dammit I feel AWESOME! I pushed really hard and I'm really proud of myself. I love waking up in the morning and being sore, knowing that that soreness is progress. I'm still struggling a bit with cardio, but I know I am just going to have to force myself into it. I just love lifting so much! But I'll never get this layer of fat off of my beautifully developing muscles if I don't do it, so I'm going to get back into a solid cardio routine. At least it's nice outside so I can go run! As I'm sure you've all seen, I've gotten into the habit of posting all of my workouts on Facebook and Instagram - not just for me to 'show off' but to use as a source of accountability for myself and hopefully motivation for someone else. :)
Nutrition has also continued to be a point of difficulty. The summer months always present so much temptation with all of the cookouts and delicious cocktails and I would be lying if I said I haven't given in to the temptations around me a few times. I am an avid believer of enjoying your life as you go on your journey to health/fitness... but I may be taking advantage of that belief a bit too much :/ which is also on my list of things to work on. My biggest issue right now is my schedule... Being in the culinary industry, we don't get standard breaks while working or whatever and I spend the majority of my time in a kitchen.. so I end up just snacking on whatever I'm cooking (leftovers, etc) when I'm at work, and it's not always the best option. I'm working on something to try to make the best of the situation but it's still a struggle at this point. I think it's mostly in my brain... I just need to lock it up.

Here's a current photo:

Anywho, it's about time for me to run to class! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.. I don't have any specific recipes on hand to share BUT if anyone has any recipe requests or questions about anything, feel free to email me at or via Facebook at Ali's Losing Path!

Thanks for stopping by! Be happy and healthy, my friends! :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Faster Way 4/29/13

Hey there, hi there, ho there! Happy Monday, ya’ll. People get so upset when Monday comes but, for the most part, I love it! The start of a new week presents an opportunity to start a new routine, a new challenge, a new anything! I love it. J And, what do you know? I have some new things starting this week! I start a new (awesome!) job with a great catering company, a new fasting plan (I’ll go into further detail in a minute) and I’m preparing for a new semester at school (starting next week)! My body feels great, my brain (though slightly tired) feels great – and it feels great.

Let’s talk fasting, shall we? Intermittent Fasting (IF), to be specific. Basically, the idea behind IF is that for a period of time, rather than feeding your body energy through food, you force your body to utilize the energy that it is storing, thus burning glycogen, fat etc. The idea is that it will help you slim down and/or maintain leanness. A friend of mine does a 24 hour fast once every two weeks, so I gave it a shot. I did my first fast this past Wednesday and, well, I lived. Apparently I was pretty mean towards the end of the day (I have a hard time remembering?) and I know I was miserable. However, I woke up the next morning, ate ½ of a banana and then went and had a great workout! My body felt great, my brain felt great and I was in a fantastic mood! Furthermore, even after only one round of fasting, I looked at food differently… almost more as a privilege than anything else, thus making me be more conscious of and respect what I was putting into my body even more than normal. Since the first round, I’ve done more reading on the subject. I’ve seen various suggestions and timing plans that people have used and I have decided to try a different approach. For the time being, I will be fasting for 16 hours twice per week and 24 hours once every two weeks. So – on Sunday and Thursday, I will stop eating at 4pm and not start again until 8am. Then, once every two weeks I will go a full 24 hours without food. Within this time frame I drink a detox water (see below) and additional plain water. Some people call me crazy, (well, a lot of people call me crazy) but for some reason I enjoy the restriction and the challenge to my mind and my body. I’m also hoping that by training my brain to see the fasting as a benefit, it will help to curb my tendency to over eat and to actually STOP eating when I know that I need to. Only time will tell. J

Detox Water

6 lemons, sliced

½ cucumber, sliced

Handful of mint leaves

1 gallon of water

In a pitcher, combine all of these things and put in the fridge overnight. Drink this throughout the day to help clean out your body during the fast, in addition to regular water… and don’t choke on the mint leaves J

Seeing as how today is Monday, that means yesterday was Meal Prep Sunday! I took about three hours (I was taking my time) and prepped my meals for this week. Here’s the menu:

½ c cooked quinoa w/ 1tbs raisins and pinch cinnamon. Microwave for 1-2 minutes then add 1tbs of fresh berries.
1 sprouted grain tortilla, 1 banana and 1-2 tbs PB2. Spread the PB2, lay down the banana and wrap. Then eat.

Quinoa and Grilled Veg
½ c cooked Quinoa, 2 portabello mushroom caps (medium, ribs, stem and skin removed) and broccoli grilled with onion and blackberries. Seriously. Delish.

Mexi Salad
Handful of Mixed Spring Greens, ½ c black beans, 1/2 – 3/4c grilled tomato/onion/mushroom/bell pepper/poblano pepper with 2tbs pico de gallo

Tempeh and Chickpeas
1 c sautéed tempeh and chickpeas with ½ c tomato and cucumber salad and 2tbs homemade hummus

Snap Peas w/ hummus
Cucumber Sticks w/ Hummus
Sliced apple (skinless) with almond butter
Oh it’s gonna be a yummy week!

I’ve noticed my body starting to change again and I am PUMPED! I feel like it’s getting back to progressing toward a more firm and attractive shell, and that makes me feel great. I may or may not have been checking out my butt in the reflection of a window as I was walking down a hallway at school today and dammit if it didn’t look good! I’ve been lifting a lot but I’m trying to add more cardio back into my life. I know I need to cardio, I would just rather lift.. like all the time. So I’m trying to focus more on the HIIT cardio that I’ve mentioned previously. Today, I did the stair mill: 1 minute at level 15 and 2 minutes at level 3, repeating for 15 minutes. I’m not going to lie, I almost threw up. BUT I loved the burn and I’ll be doing it 2-3 times per week so I can get better and decrease the amount of down time J

Anyway, I’m going to keep on keepin on with my goals and my mission of developing the best me I can be! Thanks again for either continuing to follow me or making the decision to read for the first time, it’s certainly appreciated!!

Keep it fresh, keep it healthy, keep it clean. J

Until next time, folks!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Getting Summer Ready! 4/25/13

So, a few weeks ago, the beautiful miss Akilah posed a very good question: what do we need to do to get our bodies right for the summer?

While I’m a firm believer that there is no healthy or permanent ‘quick fix’ for any physical aesthetic issues we may have and also that one should maintain a healthy body year round, I know that this is a question that comes to the majority of women this time of year.  

First and foremost, I’d like to reiterate what I’ve already said about nutrition – it is single-handedly the most important part! You can go to the gym and sweat your ass off for two hours a day but if you come home and eat like crap, your body will still look like crap. Here are a few easy changes to make:

Sodium: Watch out for it! Sodium (salt) will make you retain water and look/feel bloated. You’ll find a load of this stuff in any pre-packaged or processed foods. This includes soups, instant pasta dishes, frozen meals, pre-mixed spices (aside from those made without salt), sodas etc. I don’t have to mention chips and stuff, right? Just don’t do it. Dining out can also be a big issue. There are tons of hidden calories and sodium in restaurant food… just think of where the food is coming from when the restaurant prepares it – are they using fresh ingredients or are they taking things from a can/bag/box and mixing them together? My rule of thumb for dining out? Don’t. While I love enjoying a nice meal at a restaurant just as much as the next foodie, it’s much easier to control what goes into your body when you are preparing the food.

Carbs: Oh, the dreaded carbs. While carbohydrates are absolutely essential for a healthy life – be mindful of how much you’re eating and where they’re coming from! Simple carbs like white rice, white flour, white potatoes (are you seeing a trend here? [hint – white]) basically turn to sugar when they process in the body and, when not burned, sugar turns to fat. Yuck, right? SO when you’re eating your carbs make sure that they are complex carbs and as whole as possible! I love to use quinoa (a complete protein as well as complex carb), brown or black rice on the occasion (black rice is a super food and is delicious!), and beans (I prefer black, again a great protein as well). Aside from the issue of simple carbs eventually turning to fat in the body, they will also make you bloat and retain water if eating too much. I like to keep my carbs at about ¼ of my total food intake. This is lower than the official suggestion of 60%, but with my goals, 25% or less works for me.

Fats: Okay, let’s get something straight – fat is not all bad. There are good fats and there are bad fats, we obviously want to stick with the good ones. Good fats can be found in extra virgin olive oil (make sure it’s extra virgin and of good quality!!), nuts (almonds, walnuts etc – be cautious of cashews, they’re like the French fries of nuts), good quality fish (if you eat it) like salmon, avocado etc. Stay away from anything that is ‘Fat-Free’ when shopping for foods. When they take out the fats, they supplement with extra sugar (in most cases) and you certainly don’t want that. Go for ‘Low-Fat’ instead although, honestly, I haven’t bought anything that needed to be ‘low-fat’ in QUITE a while. I’ll speak more on this in a minute.

Sugar: Stay the hell away. White sugar is the devil. It turns to fat and has been proven to cause cancer. Need I say more? While some foods (most fruits, for example) have natural sugars, you want to avoid added sugars. If an ingredient list reads any of the following: sugar, sucrose, corn syrup, glucose etc – don’t buy it. Especially if it’s one of the first things listed. Something that a lot of people don’t realize is that food packaging lists ingredients in order of proportion. So if sugar is the first thing listed, that means that that food item is mostly sugar. And you don’t want it. Also try to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible! That’s just like throwing a bunch of chemicals down your throat. If I absolutely need a sweetener for something, I go for raw agave nectar or brown rice syrup or something along those lines. Again, I avoid it like the plague but if I’m going to use it, it’s going to be from a whole, natural source.

Water: Drink the hell out of it! Seriously. Just don’t stop drinking it.

In general: I always always always recommend that you keep with a natural, whole diet. Eat as many fresh (organic, if possible) veggies and fruits as possible! Fill up on these naturally low-fat and low-sugar foods, then get your energy from whole and healthy carbs and proteins like quinoa, black rice, beans, or fish, lean poultry and egg whites if you eat it. When I said before that I haven’t had to buy anything ‘low-fat’ in a long time it’s this simple: the majority of the food that I purchase doesn’t have a nutrition label. If you were to see my grocery cart, you would see that it is 85% fresh produce. Aside from that, you’ll find beans, quinoa, sprouted grain tortillas, nuts, etc. Fresh, whole, healthy. J

OKAY – I’ll get off of my nutritional soapbox now and move on to fitness! There’s a common misconception that if you just go run for an hour, you’ll lose weight. Studies have proven that shorter bursts of higher-intensity cardio sessions will burn fat much faster than longer, lower-intensity sessions of cardio. This is called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. I absolutely LOVE this kind of training. Is it hard? Yes. But it works. Not to mention the fact that your cardio sessions are much shorter, and who doesn’t love that? I’m certainly not saying to NOT go take a long walk or a jog  or bike ride or whatever your pleasure may be – I’m saying to add-in some HIIT to ramp-up the fat-burning. A good addition to a routine is a Tabata. Tabatas are only 4 minutes in length – 20 seconds at max intensity, 10 seconds rest for a total of 4 minutes. Who doesn’t have an extra 4 minutes? Take caution though, it may sound easy enough but it is difficult and I recommend that you do some research before trying. J

In addition to cardio, you’re going to want to do some sculpting. There’s no reason that you have to go to the gym for this, you have your own weights between your face and your feet! Bodyweight resistance can be just as effective when your goal is to tone what you have. Here’s a sample circuit:

10 pushups

20 crunches

30 second plank

30 second wall sit

10 tricep dips

20 squats

10 lunges each leg

Repeat 3x

This shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes or so and can easily be done anywhere!


If you know that you have trouble areas that you want to focus on for the summer, then go for it. Worried about your arms? Start doing pushups, tricep dips and planks. Legs? Squat and lunge it out, girl. Abs? Planks, crunches, high-knees, leg raises etc. (all of this in addition to cardio – cardio burns the fat off so the toned muscles can be seen J)


I know this is a lot of information but what it all boils down to:

Eat healthy

Drink Water

Move your body


Really, it’s that simple. Any questions? Just ask. J


Monday, April 22, 2013

Keep on Keepin on! 4/22/13

Oh hiiii! Well hell, there sure have been some things going on! I have wanted to post for quite some time but I’ve been running a little crazy! Finals were last week and I also had to work every night so I was pretty much pooped and out of time.


Anyway – I’ve had some pretty good workouts lately! Saturday I got in the gym and did the following:

25 minutes run/walk on the treadmill (2m run / 1m walk)

Circuit (5 rounds): 10 pushups / 20 mountain climbers / run 1 lap

Stair Mill: 5 min (speed intervals – my legs were killing me)

Swim: 25 minutes


I went into the gym with the intention of strictly doing cardio but the issue with that plan is that, well, I hate doing cardio. Hence the reason I did a bunch of different things for shorter periods of time. Either way, the workout worked! It kicked my butt and I left there feeling sufficiently beat down… and then I went to bellydance for two hours! We have a special performance next weekend so we’ve been squeezing in practices as much as possible.


After dance, twas time for meal prep! Here’s what I prepped this week:


·         1c cooked Quinoa w/ 1tbs raisins and cinnamon


·         1/2c sugar snap peas (delish – try them!)


·         Tempeh Lettuce Roll-ups with roasted Broccoli and Purple Cauliflower

·         Roasted veg with quinoa

·         Mexi Quinoa Bowls



I posted a picture of my meal prep from last week but never got around to posting what It was so here it is:

·         Bell peppers stuffed with quinoa, chickpeas, and other veg served with roasted broccoli and purple cauliflower

·         Poblano peppers stuffed with quinoa, black beans, tomatoes etc served with roasted asparagus, broccoli and purple cauliflower

·         Mexi Qunoa bowls

Everything was really yummy!


As I’ve said before – meal prep is so incredibly important! I think people tend to forget that your nutrition is even more important than your workouts. I’ve heard it 1 million times and it is completely true, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” It is so important to keep it clean and keep it lean, folks! A rule that I try to follow when shopping: if I can’t readily purchase all of the ingredients listed on a food, I don’t buy it. The foods that have all of the added chemicals and fillers are only going to hurt your body so, quite simply, stay away from them!!


I don’t have a ton of time tonight (as usual) but I will do my best to continue to post pictures and quick tips on my Facebook page!


Also, some work friends have begun a ‘Biggest Loser’ challenge! We’re all weighing-in every Monday and the person that loses the largest percentage of body weight at the end of the 3 month challenge gets the money! (we all paid $20/person + $1 for each pound gained at weigh-in) I didn’t really have a loss this week (.4lbs ha!) but I was beyond stressed last week and to be honest I wasn’t all that concerned. I’m far more focused this week and ready to see that number go down!

Alright friends, keep it healthy! If anyone ever has any questions, feel free to contact me via this blog, Facebook or my email


Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It Feels Good to Feel Good! 4/2/13

Hello there! Man, today was a good day. I stuck to my nutrition yesterday and woke up and had a great workout (see below) and another great day with my nutrition!

Very exciting to report the following news: When I weighed in over the past week, I’ve been averaging around 240 – and even hit 244 during one weigh-in. After only 48ish hours of well-planned and disciplined nutrition, I weighed-in this morning (pre workout) at 234.6!! Oh HI 5ish pound loss! I’ll take that! I was beyond thrilled to see that number and actually stepped off and back on the scale to make sure that it was correct. J This just goes to show, AGAIN, how incredibly important nutrition is!! I have been preaching that for quite some time and it feels so good to finally be ‘practicing what I’m preaching’ again!

Here is my workout this morning:

Bent Over Row (barbell) 2x20x50lbs & 2x15x60lbs

Dumbbell Delt Flye 4x20x15lbs

Dead Lift 4x10x115lbs

Straight Bar Cable Pull Down 4x20x35lbs

Single-arm Cable Lateral Raise 4x10x10lbs

Delt/Lat Hammer Pulldown 4x15x55lbs

Treadmill: Run/Walk total of about 16 minutes… I got a bad cramp and had to stop L


Dumbbell Side Bends 2x20x40lbs

Decline Bench Cross-punch 2x20x5lbs


Overall I felt great after my workout! I even took some flex pictures when I got home J See…


And on the menu today:

1 scoop protein w/ water immediately following workout


2 scoops protein w/ 8oz coffee & 8oz water

1c cooked oatmeal w/ cinnamon and 1tbs raisins


Black bean burger patty w/ scratch-made pico de gallo, roasted asparagus and quinoa with hot sauce and chopped greens (spinach and various spring lettuces)


½ banana w/ almond butter


4oz roasted veg w/ 1tbs hummus and hot sauce


Roasted cauliflower steak w/ smokey tomato sauce, roasted asparagus and quinoa mixed with chopped greens and salsa


The whole day was quite nutritious and very delicious!! I have found (especially during downtime at work) that I am still snacky. Where I would normally grab shitty food (at work… pub chips, etc) I am instead taking a slice of cucumber and pouring some salsa on top. It’s tasty and basically free (nutritionally)! I am hoping that over the next week of being on my nutrition plan that my stomach will shrink down a bit so I don’t feel hungry all the time. I’m trying to also drink as much water as possible so that I feel fuller and don’t want the food. It’s not that I’m starving myself or anything, I just know that I feel mentally hungry more so than physically hunger far too often… and I’m trying not to feed that mental hunger. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I have a food addiction, and discovered that the best way for me to handle it is through restriction. I don’t know how to ‘just have a taste’ or have ‘only one’ of anything, to be honest. So, if I don’t think I should be eating it, I have to cut it out of my diet completely. And so I have. J Sugar is gone, fried foods are gone, breads and pastas are gone. Only nutritious and lean whole foods shall be passing my lips. Actually, I've taken on a 30 day sobriety challenge, as well! And I tell ya what, I’m loving it!


Let’s talk meal prep! Total time to get everything together was about 3 hours or so, which I didn’t think was bad considering I was cooking meals for an entire week. I didn’t do the different sauces as I indicated in my last post. I made the first Smoky Tomato Sauce and I ended up making enough for everything that I needed so I didn’t see a point in making another. Here’s a breakdown:

Item 1:

Roasted Cauliflower Steaks

I took one large head of cauliflower, removed the leaves and sliced it through the stem into approx 1” steaks. I then poured enough low-sodium vegetable stock in the bottom of a baking dish to coat the bottom (with a little extra), placed the cauli steaks in the broth and sprinkled minced garlic over top. I covered the dish with foil and roasted at 375-400 for about 45 minutes, until the stock was dry. (I ate this dish tonight and the cauliflower was GREAT!) There will be excess cauliflower after getting the steaks (I got 3 steaks out of my head) and you can use the excess for roasted veggies!


Item 2:

Roasted Veggies

In addition to the cauliflower (broken down/chopped to appropriate-size pieces), I chopped red bell pepper, red onion and zucchini. As with the cauliflower, I poured low-sodium veg stock in a baking dish and poured the veggies in the stock (a bit more than cauliflower). I then seasoned the veg with cumin, minced garlic and smoked paprika, tossed it all together to coat, covered with foil and roasted alongside the cauliflower steaks, stirring occasionally.


Item 3:

Roasted Endive

I took four Belgian Endive heads, quartered them and then roasted them on the same baking sheet as my asparagus, tossed in the excess oil left from the asparagus. Roasted at 400 for about 10 minutes, turned and roasted for another 5-10 (tender-crisp).


Item 4:

Quinoa. SO simple! One part quinoa to two parts water, add in a cold pan together and bring to boil Once boiling, reduce to slow simmer and cover with lid. Simmer until liquid is absorbed, fluff with a fork and it’s ready!



Smoky Tomato Sauce

1can Fire Roasted Tomatoes

1tsp Agave nectar

1tbs Garlic, minced

1tbs Smoked Paprika

1tbs EVOO

½ small red onion, diced

Squeeze lemon juice

Blend everything together in blender, strain into saucepan and simmer over low/medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Taste to adjust seasonings.


For the asparagus, I roasted as indicated in my previous post. (EVOO, salt and pepper, 400 degrees, 20 minutes)


And that’s it! Nothing was overly complicated or time-consuming… but it’s all delicious! I portioned ½ cup quinoa with every dish as well as the accompanying vegetables/sauce.  Here’s my finished result:


Great, right?! I love it and can't wait to do it all again on Sunday!!

Alright kids, my bed time has come and gone and I am sreeeeeepy! Good night!! Here's to health and happiness. :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Oh Happy Day :) 3/30/13

Hey there, hi there, ho there! I tell you what, I’m feeling great today! I’m not sure if it’s the beautiful weather we had in NKY today, the blooming flowers, the happy Easter holiday or what – but something’s working!

I decided today that it is time to lock it up. Again. I’m getting control of my nutrition and I am excited about it! I went to the grocery store and dominated the produce section! I got lots of delicious vittles for meal prep and options for healthy snacks. This is what I have planned for my meals this week (rotating):


·         Roasted Cauliflower Steak with Smoky Tomato Sauce, Quinoa and Roasted Zucchini

·         Black Bean Burger, Quinoa and Roasted Asparagus

·         Roasted Vegetables with Chipotle Sauce, Quinoa

Breakfast (in addition to 2 scoops pea protein powder + water):

·         Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortilla, PB2 and Banana wrap

·         1 cup(cooked) Oatmeal with cinnamon, a few raisins and fresh blueberries

I must say, I’m pretty excited about all of it! I’ll post recipes for everything once I figure it out (though breakfast is pretty self-explanatory). J

I’ve noticed that I’m having a hard time keeping to my clean eating because I am letting outside influences take over. I’ve been blaming my work, my house, my schedule – everything. What it boils down to is just the simple fact that I haven’t been disciplined enough, but that’s changing as of now! It is beyond time for me to regain control of my life and my body. I know that getting to the gym is going to be a struggle for a while, due to the simple fact that I often work late (getting home between 11-1230 at night) and then have homework to do… which makes waking up at 5am quite difficult. I am going to do my best with it. Now that the weather is finally breaking and getting warmer, I plan to start running outdoors again, taking Nora for hilly walks etc… anything to get in as much exercise as possible.

I’ve been pretty down lately. Thus far, 2013 has introduced stress beyond my mental capacity and it has taken a huge toll on my health. I basically spent the first two months of the year sick – due to stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition. I noticed myself getting on that routine again and got sick over the last few days but I am changing it all now. After being completely miserable yesterday with a migraine and feeling nauseas, I slept really great last night, ate better today and am doing something that is really important for my life: planning and preparing. With my schedule as crazy as it is, I know that if I am not adequately prepared, I’m screwed. SO, meals are planned and will be prepped tomorrow. My schedule is full this week but I plan to utilize my time as efficiently as possible to get good sleep every night. And I’m going to try not to get too stressed. I said try.

And now for a recipe!

Black Bean Burgers (adapted from Vegetarian Times magazine)
1 ½ cans Black Beans, drained and rinsed (roughly 2 cups)
1 ½ cups Carrots, peeled and chopped fine or grated (roughly 4 carrots)
1 small onion, chopped (roughly 1 cup)
½ cup Rolled Oats (not instant)
¼ cup Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp Chile Powder
1 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tbs Garlic, minced
1 tsp Kosher Salt
Pinch Black Pepper


·         Pulse beans, carrots, onion, oats, cilantro, spices, garlic, salt and pepper in food processor until combined (not completely pureed).
·         Pinch the mixture to see if it holds together; if not, add low sodium vegetable stock or water 1tbs at a time until it does.
·         Chill the mixture 30 minutes to overnight before forming patties.
·         Shape into patties – size is up to you, I was able to get 7 out of this recipe.
·         Heat skillet (I used non-stick) or griddle over medium heat. Spray with non-stick spray and carefully place patties onto cooking surface. Cook 3-5 minutes (until browned and crisp in places), flip and cook another 3-5 minutes.
·         Serve with desired garnishes. (I ate mine without bun, topped with butter lettuce, sliced tomato and fresh black bean/corn salsa)
Black Bean Burger with Roasted Asparagus