Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear January, Where did you go?

Man. I know. It’s been FAR too long. I don’t even know where to begin to explain my life as of late but in a nutshell.. this shit cray. I’ve been traveling all over (Atlanta, then Dallas then NYC) and working in between trips has been insanely busy not to mention having a lot of issues in my personal/family life and it’s gotten to be nearly too much for me to keep sane. Hm.. where to start?
Well, the Atlanta trip went well, but I believe I’ve already re-capped this one. Dallas was amazing – my favorite by far! I got to hang out with my family that I see far too infrequently and met some amazing new people on top of it! As far as working out, that was kind of at a minimum… the hotel was GIANT and I honestly wasn’t even sure how to get to the fitness center, plus it was $16 a day just to use it. BUT I will say that I walked a lot and ate minimally as it’s a little more difficult to find vegan fare in a steak state lol… Overall, I ended up losing about 3 pounds that week!
Last weekend was NYC… which, in any other circumstances would have been my absolute favorite but this trip wasn’t quite as great. A lot of things were mixed/screwed up and it was pretty stressful at times.. I ate more than in Dallas (including my beloved Avocado fries!) BUT we also went to Barry’s Bootcamp so it balanced out. J I’ll talk more about bootcamp in a minute.. Overall, I believe I ended up staying right around the same weight, which at this point is fine with me.
So… BOOTCAMP! Oh man, if you’re not familiar, Barry’s Bootcamp is a pretty serious workout that has recently become more popular due to the Kardashian attendance, along with many other celebrities. It was one of the hardest workouts I’ve had, I can say that for sure. I think I performed pretty well, although I wasn’t able to quite keep up with the workout as directed but I never just completely gave up and I’m so glad that I did it! It was about 60% on a treadmill doing variations of sprints/jogs/side-stepping/jogging BACKWARDS (yeah, I know!) and then we did some weight training as well. It was a little pricey at $32 per class, but I will say that it was worth every penny. Beyond getting an amazing workout that day, I also learned a lot of new exercises that I plan to continue to incorporate in my regular workouts.

So now that I’ve been back home for 5 days, things are finally starting to settle back into some version of normalcy. My personal life is still depressing me pretty hardcore and I feel like I haven’t slept in a month. I have absolutely no energy right now (due in large part to being depressed – on top of lack of sleep) and I haven’t been to the gym all week. I decided that with as tired as I am, it was better to try to recover and get some sleep this week and then go back at it on Monday with a fresh outlook and great motivation. This weekend I’m going to work on my workouts and figure out what I’m going to do. I really liked the workouts that I was doing before I started traveling but honestly I don’t have a solid 4 weeks to dedicate to 5-day per week workouts (I have to go back to NYC in 2 weeks) so I’m thinking I may postpone those workouts until I’m home-based for a longer period of time.

In NYC - my favorite studded tights! :)

Food as of recently has started to get back to normal… I still have my granola in the mornings and I made another batch of protein mousse the other day so I have that and I finally went to the grocery store so I have cooked dinner the last 3 nights (although I didn’t eat last night). On top of everything else, today is a food day at work for the Superbowl but I highly doubt there will be much I can eat, so I will probably just run and get something, maybe sushi?

Food Today
½ c granola w/ ¼ c soymilk and blueberries

Oatmeal w/ raisins and blackberries

Food day/whatever I go get

Protein tofu

TBD – I kind of want spaghetti?

Oh! I’ve been making these really delicious sandwiches for lunch this week! I got a Whole Clove Garlic Loaf from Kroger (artisan breads in the deli) and cut it on ‘thick’ then I smear a little toasted pine nut hummus on 1 side of 2 pieces of bread, a slice of roasted red pepper, tomato, avocado and a little hot pepper relish then sandwich it together and bake it in the toaster oven at work on 400degrees for about 10 minutes – amazing!! It’s spicy/garlicy/deliciousness! The bread is relatively small so I’ve been having 2 sandwiches for lunch.

Well, I think that’s about all that I have for today. Sorry again that it’s been so long since my last post… now that things are starting to calm down, I hope to be able to post as normal – along with get back on my normal workout/eating schedule!

Until next time, my friends…

1 comment:

  1. That sandwich sounds amazing.

    Sorry things on the home front aren't the best.

    I love you and you're beautiful!
