Greetings land of blog-readers! It’s a very pretty Wednesday afternoon and I’m so happy to report that it’s not freezing cold outside! I went out a bit ago and was pleasantly surprised to find that my giant (faux) fur coat actually wasn’t a necessity!
Okay, I’m not going to try to lie here – this week hasn’t exactly gone as planned. I did go out to lunch with my friend yesterday and I had a veggie sandwich on wheat bread w/ a petite garden salad.. not too shabby. Thennn I was pretty stressed throughout the day due to some stuff that has been going on lately so my friend and I went to Molly Malone’s for a few adult beverages. Not the best choice – I had 4 beers and an order of curry fries. I definitely paid for those all night last night, I felt terrible! Ugh! I’m like a masochist or something, I keep eating these terrible foods knowing that they’re going to make me miserable!
Anyway, I didn’t go to the gym this morning, mostly because 1. I woke up a little late and I’ve been late for work like almost every day and 2. I couldn’t find any clean workout pants L lame excuse, I know. BUT I will definitely be hitting it hard tomorrow with another upper body workout and I’m starting to feel better so I’m going to try to add some cardio!
Food Today
½ c granola w/ ¼ c soy milk and blueberries
Fruit & nut trailmix
Black bean salad w/ various salsas/veggies
(if I’m hungry)
Protein Tofu
Asian Stir Fry
Branden shared a website with me yesterday, It’s largely built for body builders and fitness competitors/fitness models but there is an Article in there that provides a lot of great information on the difference in men’s and women’s bodies and different training methods and there’s also a great 12-week workout plan to build muscle and tone that I want to try! So after I get back from New York I think I’m going to start on it! I plan to do another upper body circuit tomorrow and a lower body circuit on Friday to finish out this week then I leave for NYC Monday and I’ve used the hotel gym before where we’re staying… it’s not the greatest but I’ll be able to get something going.
I know today was supposed to be picture day but I never received the picture that my mom took of me today, couldn’t get the email to go through… so I’ll try again tomorrow! Sorry Heidi! J
Man, I really can’t wait to get back into a normal routine! I just want to be healthy and have warm weather and go running outside and take Nora for walks and go to the gym without shivering in the car in the mornings! I used to love the winter but now that I’m leading a more active/healthy life… I’ve quickly realized how terrible the cold weather is! I just want sunshine and warmth! Is that too much to ask? J
Well, I suppose that’s about all I have for now…
Until tomorrow.. J