Friday, September 2, 2011


Normally I would be SO excited for Friday to roll around... but not in this case because that means we are going home tomorrow :(  I don't want beach time to end!
Oh well...
Well Wednesday night I went out with Branden for our little 'date night' which turned into a giant expensive night lol.  First, we went to dinner at this really nice place called Martini's.  We shared a fried calamari appetizer (I didn't have much, it wasn't anything special) then I had ravioli w/ shrimp (house-made ravioli stuffed w/ mushrooms and cheese topped w/ fresh spinach and a garlic sauce and grilled shrimp) I didn't finish it, but oh my it was tasty!  Then we topped off the meal with an amazing dessert, I had an organic flourless chocolate torte.  I have no idea how many calories were in that meal and I don't really want to know.  It was toally delicious though!  We also had quiite a bit of wine, of course :)  After that, we went to this silly little bar by the condo called Ya Ya's... only because that's what Nora calls my mom (instead of 'grandma') and I had a glass of wine... THEN we couldn't leave well enough alone and decided we needed to go to a night club in downtown Daytona so we did!  We drank WAY too much but I did dance a lot so hopefully that burned off a few calories?  lol Wishful thinking....
Needless to say, I was feeling LESS than great yesterday and didn't do my run/walk in the morning.  For breakfast, I had a bowl of Wheaties Fuel cereal w/ unsweetened almond milk.  Lunch, leftover salad w/ 1/2 a piece of whole grain italian bread (Nora stole the other half). Snack I had a few whole wheat pita chips w/ jalapeno hummus.  For dinner, I was hungover and just wanted fried food... so I had fried fish & shrimp w/ 2 hushpuppies and coleslaw.  Needless to say, 'you are what you eat' and I felt like shit lol. I did walk for about a mile or so yesterday and I carried Nora about 1/2 of the way... so I had a nice sweat going. Now, I'm not trying to say that that little bit of exercises excused my poor dinner choice, I'm just saying that it happened :)
I am still kind of recovering today (you know you're getting old when a hangover lasts for DAYS instead of hours) and didn't wake up to go out this morning.  I'm going to try to at least take a walk later today, and defininitely run tomorrow.
I have noticed a few changes in my body recently since I've upped my running frequency... my thighs are tighter, my abs are feeling a bit more firm and obviously my endurance is increasing.  I'm liking running even more :)  I remember reading an interview w/ Jillian Michaels and they asked her what was the 1 exercise that she did every time she went to the gym and her answer? Running.  "Running makes you skinny.  It works." That quote has remained in my head since reading that, and I do believe she's right!  Not that I'm skinny by any means, but I can see how if I contine to increase my running, I can get there! 

I've been thinking over the past couple of days and I think I'm going to start posting in the evening as opposed to the morning.  That way, I'll be reporting on what ACTUALLY happens that day, as opposed to what I'm hoping will happen that day lol.  Then I don't have to come back the next morning and correct what actually did occur!  I just wanted to catch up from yesterday but I'll post again tonight to re-cap today and then do it in the evening from now on :)

I hope everyone has a great Friday and is ready for a 3 day weekend!!  I know I am :)

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