Hello there!
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, it was a busy day.
Food Recap:
Breakfast – Mocha protein shake & ¼ cup oatmeal w/ a few raisins and cinnamon
Snack – Whole Wheat pita w/ light hummus and bell pepper strips
Lunch – 3 small pieces toasted 5grain Italian bread w/ black bean spread, lettuce, cilantro and tomato
Snack – Almonds and raisins
Dinner – A few whole grain tortilla chips and salsa
Yesterday morning I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the treadmill – 5 minute walking warm-up, 25 minutes of intervals (90 seconds jog/60 seconds walk). That’s all I had time to do so I just ended it there. I felt good! I really like running, have I mentioned that? Lol J
After work, I ran home and made dinner for Branden and Nora then I ran off to cheerleading practice! No, not for Nora, for me! For the past 3 years, my high school has been hosting an Alumni Game, which is just the football homecoming game, and they invite alumni cheerleaders to come back and cheer the 2nd half of the game. OBVIOUSLY I jump at this opportunity to re-live my glory days! Practice was great last night, and a pretty good workout J We forget how good of a workout stunting is until we do it again… and we do a lot of it when we get the opportunity!
I didn’t go to the gym this morning, I went to bed later than normal last night and I wasn’t feeling very great when I woke up. I’ll definitely go run tomorrow morning and we have the big game tomorrow night!
Food Today:
Mocha Protein Shake
(coffee, ice, 1 scoop choc protein and a shot of unsweetened almond milk – blended)
Whole Grain pita w/ light hummus and organic bell pepper strips
Black Bean Spread sandwich w/ organic tomato, lettuce and cilantro on whole grain bread
Homemade organic trail mix (almonds, cashews, peanuts, raisins and dried cranberries – all natural/organic)
Tofu Protein Mousse
(I substituted soft tofu for the cottage cheese… not so sure how I feel about it, we’ll see after I eat a full serving!)
Tostadas! I’ll post the recipe tomorrow J
Mentally, I’m feeling a bit off today. Do you ever get the feeling that you’re just turning your wheels but not really going anywhere? That’s kind of where I am. Not so much with my weightloss, just life in general. I think it’s time for me to take some bigger steps, make some bigger waves… I just have to get the confidence to do it!
Speaking of confidence, I’ll be wearing SHORTS in public tomorrow night. I don’t wear shorts. Ever. I threw all of my cheerleading shorts away as soon as I graduated because I hated them lol. (regretting that now!) I’m feeling pretty good about it though! I went to Target yesterday and tried on some shorts (not even from the plus size section!!) and they didn’t look bad… I just couldn’t bring myself to buy them lol. Tonight’s the night though, I have to commit and purchase! I’ll post a picture after the game J
Tomorrow is a food day at work which typically translates into unhealthy appetizer-ish food eaten in large quantities (for me at least) BUT I’m going to make some delicious vegetarian fare to bring so I know I’ll have something healthy J
I’ll post more about it tomorrow! Until then…
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