Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, 4/18/11 - Let the record-keeping begin..

Hello all!
Not the best start to my week so far.. I went to a Bridal Shower last night and had a few drinks followed by a few too many more drinks at a local bar with a friend.. yes, I know it was a Sunday and yes, I should have known better.  Needless to say, I didn't wake up for the gym this morning and I'm totally bumming about it.. with no one to blame but myself.  SO that just means that I have to bust EXTRA ass starting tomorrow morning and will again be working out on Saturday. 

So, today is the day I promised I would be posing "before" pictures and my actual weight.  I've been procrastinating posting today because of this.  I don't know why I'm freaking out so much over it.. but it's kind of a big deal?  I just keep telling myself that this is the starting point and I have a lot of positive support behind me and it's all going to be OKAY! (I'm a little spaz-y)
So, here goes nothing! :
April 15, 2011 - Current Weight 284lbs

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! I like the pic of you btw! You are brave for posting your weight. I would nervous about that too! But, I probably would have guessed you 50 lbs lighter because unlike me you are well proportioned! lol I'm all BELLY! lol And only a jelly bean of it is baby!
