I know, I know... I've been an epic blog FAIL yet again! Things have been so crazy with work, traveling and life, I haven't had 3 seconds to breathe let alone blog. Here's a brief recap of the last week and a half or so:
NYC was amazing. I made some less than excellent food choices yet I didn't gain any weight while I was there, actually stayed the same to the 1/2 pound. I would have certainly lost if I would have a.) not binge drank one night, b.)worked out more than twice and c.)paid closer attention the food that I was eating. I was definitely eating fresh food, but there was a lot of cheese involved lol.
Oh! Here's something new: I'm a Pescatarian now! No, that's not a religion. I decided to stop eating all land-roaming meats. I still have fish on the occasion, though my diet is now mostly comprised of vegetables, grain and a little bit of dairy (though I am considering parting ways with that as well). I feel like a completely different person, in a great way! NYC totally inspired me.... and so did Alicia Silverstone. No, that's not a joke! Alicia wrote a book called The Kind Diet and I ordered it on Amazon for around $12 (feel free to borrow, local friends). It's very informative, not so much a cook book but a reference guide about being vegetarian, vegan and beyond. I decided to try to give up meat before I went to NYC, I figured I would have an excellent opportunity to eat meat-less there... and I did. Today is my 10th day without and poultry, beef or pork and I feel great! I've been looking for something to just make my body feel lighter and cleaner... and so far, this is working! I love vegetables so much as it is, I honestly don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not eating meat. I'm in a little bit of a rush as is but I will definitely be posting some delicious Pescatarian recipes VERY soon! :)
I made it back into the gym today and it felt amazing to be back on my routine and doing the things that I love. This is what I did today (no spreadsheet, sorry):
Walk 5 Minutes
Jog 90seconds / Walk 60seconds intervals for 25 Minutes
Ball Squats:
4 sets of 10
Dumbbell Squats:
4 sets of 10 w/ 10lb dumbbells
Single Leg Balance on Bosu:
1 set on each leg, holding for 30 seconds
Leg Extension:
40 lbs, 4 sets of 15
Leg Curls:
70lbs, 4 sets of 15
Leg Adductor: (the one where you squeeze in)
90lbs, 4 sets of 15
10 minutes at medium-high resistence, staying about 92 RPM
It felt good! I can't wait to go back tomorrow :)
This weekend we are going on vacation! Like an honest-to-goodness vacation... no schedule, no obligations... just a beach! I can't wait! We're staying in a penthouse condo on the beach so I can go out there an walk or jog in the mornings and do dumbbell and ab things in the room. Also, there's a full kitchen so I can cook healthy food! Did I mention that I'm excited?
Thanks to everyone for sticking with me throughout this crazy time! I know I missed the picture this month, I seriously haven't had time to even snap one little picture! I'll make up for it somehow :)
Well, I must run. Until tomorrow... at some point :)
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