Hello there! Well, I had every intention (again) of working out this morning but alas, didn’t. My stomach has been hurting a bit and I just didn’t feel great when I woke up this morning. And I woke up late, which didn’t help. It’s turning into REAL winter now with the temperatures in the teens, ice on the roads, misery in the air… this is the time of year that I have the hardest time getting my ass to the gym. It’s always really difficult for me to force myself out into the freezing cold air and into my freezing cold car to go workout in the morning when all I want to do is stay in my warm bed and cuddle with my little angel! Not only that, but I am totally craving warm cheesy deliciousness right now! Have no fear – I have no intention of eating cheese at all, I can only imagine how sick I would be! I’m just saying that it sounds good lol…
Food Today
½ c Raisin bran crunch w/ soy milk (I was desperate)
Oatmeal w/ raisins and cinnamon
Small granny smith apple
… and that’s all I’ve eaten today. I’ve been busy and didn’t get a chance to run out to grab anything to eat and completely forgot that I have my protein tofu in the fridge so I’ll just save that for tomorrow. I’m going out to dinner tonight with my cousin (YAY!) and we’re going to Nada downtown… I imagine I’ll be having some sort of guacamole and probably veggie tacos or something? I believe they do ‘small plates’ sort of serving so it shouldn’t be too bad. J
Beyond that, not much to report today! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned about the upcoming month(s) and how the cold weather is going to effect my progress. I think I have decided that I definitely need to live in a warmer climate – the cold weather does absolutely nothing for me. I used to love it when I was a kid! Now that I have a kid and an adult life I absolute dread it! It just takes THAT much more time to get Nora dressed and makes it THAT much more difficult to carry all of my mom stuff and just ‘running out’ somewhere means uncomfortably cold temperatures and wah wah wah… I know, I’m whining.. but I just don’t like it.
Oh well, totes looking forward to dinner tonight and hopefully going to get a good workout in sometime in the near future! Wish me luck J
Until tomorrow…
You are one pretty lady :) Love reading your blogs!