Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We're Back! 12/21/11

Wellll… long time no blog! Oh man, the last week has been crazy (story of my life this time of year) but today I can finally say that I really feel like myself again! Yesterday was kind of my breaking point… my body just told me NO MORE STRESS by way of shooting pains in my stomach all day, could barely eat or walk and complete exhaustion. After the ridiculous amount of stress with my job, stress with Branden, with Nora, with Christmas in general, with family in general, with LIFE in general, I just couldn’t take any more… SO I ate nearly nothing, went to bed at 8:30 and woke up and had a good workout this morning… and dammit if I don’t feel like a new woman! The fact that it’s nearly 60 degrees surely isn’t hurting!
So this morning’s workout was kind of a mish-mash of things… I started doing one of my crossfit workouts and immediately got bored so then I stopped that and started doing abs then decided I needed to do some arms then decided I wanted to sprint on the treadmill… so I did all of that lol:
Mountain Climbers : 2 minutes
Bike : 2 miles
Side to side bends: 20 @ 20# each side
Crunches: 50
6” Killers: 2 sets of 10
Single-leg bicycles: 2 sets of 15 each side
Curl/Press/Dip w/ dumbbell on bosu: 3 sets of 10 @ 10#
Bent over flye w/ dumbbell: 3 sets of 10 @ 10#
1 minute sprint

Pretty much all over the place but I worked up a sweat and got my heart rate up so I’ll chalk it up as a success!

The food is pretty much all over the place as well… yesterday, all I ate was some oatmeal in the morning, an orange at lunch and some pretzels in the evening. I haven’t been to the grocery store so I have nearly no food in my house right now… SO… about today… lol.
I had a protein shake immediately following my workout then used the last of my fruit to make a juice of apples/oranges/spinach/cranberries and I just ate an apple at work. I’m pretty much starving and really want a giant salad… so I’m going to go get one eventually!
My brother’s family came in town last night (YAY!) and I believe we’ll be ordering pizza at my mom’s house for dinner tonight…

I still have some shopping to do for Christmas and I hope to get some of that finished tonight as well…. I’ve been keeping an eye on my weight and it hasn’t changed much from last week. I’ve discovered that now that I have my own scale in my bathroom, it’s really hard to not weigh myself all the time lol. I’m going to try to not weigh myself again until this Saturday though!

That’s about all I have for today! Hopefully now that things are starting to settle down to somewhat of a normal pace, I will have an easier time keeping up with my blog! Sorry about all of the recent blog fails… it’s just life, ya know?

Anywho, I hope everyone is enjoying this strangely warm December weather!
Until tomorrow… J

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