Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pissy Tuesday

Well, hello.  I'm in a mood today.  Yesterday, the hard drive on my computer at work crashed.. so I lost QUITE a bit of work.  Plus, the new cell phone that I just got won't hold a charge (charged all night and dead by 2pm yesterday), and that's also pissing me off.  Then I woke up this morning and my iPod was mysteriously drained of battery life so I had to wait an extra 10 or so minutes to charge it before going to the gym (and it still died before my elliptical time).. and  I'm tired and I hate this rainy weather.  So who wants to hang out with me today?  Ha!
Anywho, after work last night, I ran home and changed clothes and took Nora on a fiesty 3.5 mile walk/uphill hike before the storm hit.  I have decided that I am going to try my hardest to take a good calorie-killing walk every day that it is nice outside.  I'm a bit bummed because I saw the weather report and it's supposed to rain Saturday.. so it looks like I'm most likely not doing the Kicks for Kids 5k.  I just hate to register and pay my entry fee then have it be storming as I am most definitely not trekking Nora through a down-pour for 3.1 miles lol.
I made Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs for dinner last night.  Not much change to the recipe, I ate 3 meatballs with a touch of sauce and a banana.  It was kind of funny becuase in the middle of cooking, the tornado sirens started going off so I shut the stove/oven off and we went to the basement.  Turns out, the food continued to cook (in a warm oven and pasta still in hot water) and it was perfectly cooked by the time we came back upstairs! 
I did cardio and a little bit of abs this morning at the gym.  The workout went as follows;

I was surprised/disappointed to find how hard the 4minute jog was this morning.  I pushed through without stopping, but found it to be incredibly challenging.  Oh well, building endurance takes time so I'll just continue to do 4 minutes for the remainder of the week. 

Food Today:
Choc Protein w/ Skim Milk

Low-Carb Yogurt

5 small meatballs with a bit of spaghetti sauce
Protein Mousse

12 Raw organic almonds
Weight Watchers string cheese


Well, that's about all I have for today.  For the sake of my husband and the rest of the people that have to be around me, I hope I'm in a better mood tomorrow.  But, I guess that's up to me, right?


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