Friday, July 13, 2012

A Friday Quickie :)

TGIF, mates!
This morning I went to the trail and did another 3 miles :) It took 5 minutes longer today than yesterday because:
1. I forgot to pee before I went, so I had to pee in nature which meant that I just stood there for an extended period of time looking/listening around me to make sure there was no one else within eye/ear shot.
2. The spiderwebs were seriously out of control. I had to pause multiple times just to make sure that there weren't eggs being implanted into my pores. Yuck, I didn't feel good about that.
3. I kept tripping! I was so worried about the damn spiderwebs that I wasn't paying attention to what was beneath my feet so I came VERY close to literally 'biting the dust' on multiple occasions!

Aside from the run/hike this morning, I didn't do all that much.

Food went pretty well until this afternoon when I mistakenly allowed myself to get to the point of ravenous hunger and, well I fucked up. Here's my day of eating:

Vegan protein shake w/ light soy milk
1/2 c oatmeal w/ cinnamon and raisins (cooked in water)

7 tortilla chips and salsa (7 chips is one portion - I actually counted!)

Pizza on homemade Whole Wheat pizza crust with a plethora of veggies and herbs (no cheese, obviously)

Carrots and hummus
More than a portion of chips and salsa
Handful of peanut butter filled pretzels

Not eating dinner tonight. I snacked late enough and had enough calories in the snack I don't feel it's necessary... and I'm going out tonight :)

Yes, I'm going out but I'm committing to only drinking vodka and soda water (no beer!) and no cigarettes.
Tomorrow is going to be my rest day. My legs were hurting pretty bad after my run today! I believe I'll be spending the afternoon soaking up the sun with my dear friend by the pool :)

That's all I have for today! Enjoy your weekend! Make healthy choices :)

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